
Soldier Effectiveness Directorate

Soldier Effectiveness Directorate

The mission of the Soldier Effectiveness Directorate is to deliver unprecedented capability through innovation, research, development, and technical integration to maximize Soldier effectiveness and readiness.

It is the only S&T organization in the Army to bring a holistic concentration on realizing Soldier and Squad performance and effectiveness by integrating human performance, human-system teaming, and training and simulation technologies with an overarching focus on the Army’s multi-domain operations (MDO) concept and modernization strategy.

The directorate partners with numerous Department of Defense (DoD) agencies, industry organizations, academic institutions, and the international community to research and develop capabilities on the advancement human performance and systems integration sciences, technologies for training aids, devices, simulators and simulations, situational awareness for the sensored Soldier, use of robotics and unmanned aerial and ground systems, and enabling technologies including power and energy, anthropometry, human factors and biological sciences. Organizationally, this work is executed by scientists and engineers in the Systems Division, Performance Division, and Training and Simulation Division, and takes place in both controlled laboratory environments and in the field with operational forces. This comprehensive research maximizes the Soldier’s and squad’s effectiveness in the multi-domain environment, now and into the future.


Soldier-Centered Design

S&T in the dirt is the cornerstone of DEVCOM’s Soldier-Centered Design and Experimentation. Working side-by-side...

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Future of Work

DEVCOM released a future of work concept paper to its workforce of more than 25,000...

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Project Convergence

Project Convergence was designed to aggressively advance and integrate the Army’s contributions to the Joint...

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