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DEVCOM Soldier Center

The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center is a team of world-class scientists, engineers, analysts, technicians, and support staff who are fully focused on empowering America’s Soldiers today and in the future. We leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum effects, autonomy, robotics, advanced energetics, and synthetic biology to give Soldiers the ability to see, sense, decide and act faster than their adversaries.


The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM Soldier Center) is located at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts, under the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command.

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The DEVCOM Soldier Center is redefining the future of combat by developing new and innovative ways to protect the Soldier through advanced research that addresses and confronts ever-evolving threats. We play a vital role in maximizing the effectiveness of America’s military, developing new products that work, save money, and benefit Soldiers in the field.

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Partnerships are essential to the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center because they further strengthen our ability to deliver the Army’s modernization priorities and to design the force of the future.

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Core Domains

The DEVCOM Soldier Center’s research and development focus is concentrated on seven core domains, each of which provide exactly what the Soldier needs given the unique combat environment in which they serve.


Basic & Early Applied Research is the earliest level of research performed before any new product is developed. This includes anything from a simple idea to a prototype of a new system or product. This is the first step in technology generation. It’s where our scientists and researchers collaborate with partners to prepare the Soldier for the future battlefield environment.


Airdrop/Aerial Delivery is the study of how Soldiers and supplies are delivered to the battlefield. Almost everything a Soldier requires in the field can be delivered via airdrop. This includes food, water, ammunition, shelters, and vehicles. This capability considers parachute requirements, package creation, and airdrop precision to ensure that all deliveries are timely, reliable and accurate.


Clothing & Protective Equipment is the development of uniforms and gear that equip and protect Soldiers for their missions. When studying combat clothing needs, we consider every combat situation a Soldier might encounter. To ensure the safety of the Soldier, our scientists and researchers continue to advance chemical and biological protective materials, clothing and systems, camouflage and concealment to protect against emerging threats, body armor, helmet and integrated helmet systems, eye and hearing protection, environmental protective clothing suitable to maximize operations in all environments Soldiers may deploy around the world, Soldier hydration systems enabling ability to purify water for indigenous sources; handwear, footwear and load carriages systems that optimize integration of all carried gear.


DoD Combat Feeding includes the research and development of operational rations, field feeding equipment, and the field feeding systems used to prepare and serve the food that the Warfighter eats. Our scientists study ways to meet Warfighters’ nutritional needs while developing foods that can withstand environmental extremes, extended storage, and rough-handling, and meet specific operational requirements.


Expeditionary Maneuver Support comprises research and development of integrated hard- and soft-walled shelter systems for use in systems such as mission command platforms. SC supports systems that provide shelter for forward maintenance of equipment, field hospitals and expeditionary basing.


Human Systems Integration Sciences is tailored to the Soldier to determine which products facilitate or hinder their performance in the field. By answering the right questions, such as “Does the product physically exhaust the Soldier?,” or “What is the space the Soldier needs to move around in?,” our researchers are able to set standards that will enhance Soldiers’ overall ability to do their job and support their mission.


Soldier/Small Combat Unit Technology Maturation & Demonstration includes everything from communications systems to weapons and night vision. The focus is on how other technologies and equipment integrate with the Soldier or combat unit to ensure usability, mobility and mission effectiveness. We strive to understand suitable product placement, whether on the Soldier or within the unit, and how new technologies can be integrated to have a positive impact on the Soldier’s ability to do their job.

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