Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti Research Facility
Soldier Squad Performance Research Institute (S2PRINT)
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM SC) and the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) have partnered in the development of an 80,000 square-foot state-of-the-art research facility currently under construction at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC) in Natick, Massachusetts. The Soldier and Squad Performance Research Institute, or S2PRINT, will house 12 performance research laboratories and a new 18,000 square-foot Combat Maneuver Lab designed to accommodate a broad range of research fields.
S2PRINT will provide the leading scientists and engineers with a controlled, technologically advanced, immersive environment in which to conduct applied studies to determine how individual Soldiers and teams perform, leading to the optimization and enhancement of squad interactions and team dynamics. Research at S2PRINT will focus on the individual Soldier’s and squad’s operational, cognitive, behavioral, nutritional, physiological, and physical performance.

S2PRINT provides unique capabilities to develop and evaluate prototype gear, emerging technologies, and novel performance strategies more quickly than ever before. In addition to promoting collaboration among NSSC and other government agencies, S2PRINT also enables and actively seeks out unique collaborations and partnerships with the nation’s premier research and industrial partners, first responders, and many of the country’s finest academic institutions to advance the performance and resilience of our nation’s warfighters.
S2PRINT will serve as a key resource for researchers to develop:
1) Validated performance and training approaches
2) Performance and training tools and interventions for the Soldier, leader and small unit
3) Strategies to mitigate injury
4) Techniques to sustain and enhance Soldier and squad resilience and longevity
S2PRINT is scheduled to become operational in the Spring of FY2024.
Points of Contact:
S2PRINT Project Director:
Ms. Cynthia L. Blackwell
Dr. Kristen Heaton