Mr. Michael J Codega
Director, Soldier Protection Directorate
U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
Soldier Center, Natick, Massachusetts
In his current capacity, Mr. Codega serves as the Director for the Soldier Protection Directorate. Mr. Codega oversees the directorate’s role in Science and Technology efforts in materiel, systems, and equipment.
Earlier in 2020, he completed a developmental assignment with PEO Soldier in Ft. Belvoir, VA, directed towards defining the near and mid-term plans for the establishment of an Integration enterprise for the Soldier and Squad as a combat platform. In his most recent permanent assignment, Mr. Codega served as the lead strategist for Soldier protection efforts at the DEVCOM SC.
Mr. Codega previously served as the DEVCOM SC’s Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5, Operations & Plans wherein he was responsible for execution of the Center’s business and reporting functions, development of future years’ research plans and funding profiles, and the development of relationships and non-contractual agreements with industry, academia and other federal agencies. Prior assignments at the Soldier Center included Chief of Systems, Engineering and Integration Division (SEID); Lead for the Army’s flagship S&T program in Force Protection – Soldier and Small Unit; and multiple other positions as a subject matter expert in individual protection, serving 30 years in both government service and private industry.
Mr. Codega completed a cohort-based 18-month DoD executive development program in preparation for senior leadership. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Applied Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rhode Island, and a Master of Business Administration degree in Management from Bryant University. He is a member of the Acquisition Corps and Level III certified in Engineering and Science & Technology Management; and the recipient of the Army’s Superior Civilian Service Award.
A Native of Rhode Island, Mr. Codega and his wife, Renée, have one adult son.